Friday 24 September 2010

The Case Of The Disappearing Music

Okay, so I'm not the tidiest of people in this World, i'll admit, but today a strange and horrifying event took place...
I got home from school and attempted to gather my things together for my weekly singing lesson. I looked and looked, but the sheet music was nowhere to be found. I searched through all the places in the living room/dining room/ my bedroom, and it appears to have actually vanished. In the end I had to go to my singing lesson without, which caused many inconveniences.
My first thoughts were that a foolish family member had moved it, but upon interrogation, all four of them deny touching it!
So, this has led me to the conclusion that THE BORROWERS really exist.

As I am fairly certain that i didn't move my stuff, and my family definitely didn't, the only other option is the race of The Borrowers. This very popular book series/ film captured the hearts of many, but we still consider it to be a child's story. With no other explanation for the disappearance of my things, ask yourself 'What have I lost recently?' and the answer, without a doubt will be: The Borrowers.

[Please let me know if they return my stuff to the wrong house!]

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