Wednesday 6 October 2010

The Reason My Paintings Look Worse Than a Monkey's

What makes art?

If I spill paint on a canvas by accident is it art? What about if I paint something that looks exactly the same as a splash of paint?

Some philosophers believe that our need for the arts is what makes us human, and separates us from animals. But if we don’t know what art is how can that be true?
A bird can make it’s nest look nice with coloured feathers and stones in order to attract mates, and a monkey when given paints can make a picture that it thinks looks good. Is that art? Something that looks good?
Someone I know commented on modern art, people seem to be able to disagree with it more than they appreciate it, to me that’s what makes it art. It affects people. Although monkeys and birds can’t debate the finer points of surrealism they know when something looks good.

But what I think is art is different to what you think, does this mean we are different kinds of human?
Maybe art has nothing to do with it at all.
What about reading? We’re the only species that does that. And music canmonkeys play the piano if we teach them?

Louisa xx

WANTED- One pet monkey must be good with acrylics and appreciate DalÍ. Bonus points for grade 5 piano and above.


  1. hahahahaha can mokeys play piano :)

  2. To be honest, I think that the label of art has been far too liberally applied. A person can paint a white canvas with white paint, attach some flimsy meaning to it and rake in obscene amounts of money. It's insanity.

    But I guess it's just my opinion that art should require some semblance of struggle and skill in it's creation; that maybe the artist should strive to express some deep part of his or her soul in the creation of their work.

    I guess I'm in the minority on that one.

    Never mind then, eh?

  3. I could provide the monkey for a nominal charge. Like a kitten... That can roller blade...
